Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Minister, Hon Amelia Kyambadde has applauded Rosebud Flower Company among the fresh flower companies involved in international flower market, saying that the accolades from such sophisticated sector by the international community should be maintained by all actors in the same business.
She noted in an interview that Rosebud one of the flower companies in the lucrative flower industry has made the county’s name proud because of the international dealers who have continued to praise the quality of flowers on the market.
‘’We as a Ministry do appreciate the efforts being made by Rosebud in as far as exporting flowers to the International market is concerned because their exports continue increasing each passing year and at sometime we have never received any complaint against them in regard to the quality of flowers they send out’’. She observed
The Farm Manager, Ravi Kumar told ABC Africa during an interview at the Lutembe based facility along Entebbe road that their exports have increased from 13 million last year and says that during this years’ International holidays like mother’s day, Valentines days among others, the export port-folio went up to 16 million stems which he attributes to hard work and good government policies.
’’Indeed given our high quality flower products, the International markets demand for our flowers went up which was witnessed during this year’s celebration days such as International Mother\s Day celebration, we received orders amounting to 16 million stems down from 13 Million in recent past thus enabling us pay more taxes to government as well as boosting the welfare of our farm staff who do all the donkey work.’’ noted Kumar.