As the news and photos of the Makerere University Kenyan Girl who was allegedly harassed by her Lecturer keeps on trending all over the world, there has emerged new evidence that clearly shows that the two were an item before their love falling on the rock.
Njoroge Rachael has so far received sympathy with her story running on BBC, United Nations is considering her to be the ambassador against sexual harassment. The president of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta has allegedly issued a statement inviting her home while being waited for by a team of 17 Lawyers who are ready to take up her case demanding Makerere University to pay her UGX 3Billions.
However, according to evidence, analysts say the Girl is not revealing the truth. Here are the Punches in Rachael’s Evidence
Graduation Photo

In the Picture above, extreme left is the ‘accused’, Mr Kisuze Edward on the Rachael’s graduation. It clearly shows that these two were actually sharing something before the fateful day, hopefully when their love reached a dead end.
After Bad Blood developed along the way, she might have been from the onset of a revenge mission.
Unclear Rape Evidence
According to the victim’s written evidence below, there is no clear sign of rape but evidence of consensual sex. Ms Njoroge alleges that there was a scuffle, but nothing shows a sign of a scuffle.
“As I was looking through them (her certified transcripts), the man who had given me m transcripts turned to be inhuman to me, He grabbed my boobs and started licking them as he lamented how much he loved me. I tried resisting his actions but he was more strong… He grabbed me and threw me over the file cabinets at the corner where my head was hurt by the files and he started kissing my thighs… ” She writes
Her bag and top are very much in order. The files are in great order and even the Lip-stick showing no sign of kissing. It seem she is not telling the world how he even accessed the goodies.
Her Statement continues that, “…. he started kissing my thighs and breasts and he told me that he had to lick my Vagina. When he was in the process, I got m phone out and captured shots because I realized there was no cameras in the room… ”

Was she already full naked to be kissed on the breasts yet we are seeing the top in the right order? No where states that she screamed for help but just took out her phone to take the selfie, no sign of rape here. She was putting on a trouser that day but she doesn’t tell us whether Kisuze removed it forcefully or by her self.

According to all this, there are still more holes to be punched in her evidence.. The current sign are all clear that the two just failed to reach a mutual understanding in their relationship before she decided to spill out the beans.
Meanwhile, Married Kisuze ‘Harasser’ Edward, is sill cooling down his sweat from Wandegeya police station following being arrested yesterday Tuesday 17th April 2018. He was also suspended from the University as investigations continues.